
Coach Membership


For women ski leaders, coaches, or future coaches at any level of cross-country skiing.  This includes athletes that think that one day they just maybe might want to coach! This membership offers you the ability to apply for professional development funding, news, updates, and access to WSCA meetings and events.

*We do NOT want cost of membership to be an obstacle for anyone wanting to join.  If this cost is not in your budget right now, email today.    

Ally Membership


In recognition of the vast network of allies and supporters of women coaches in skiing, all athletes, officials, coaches, volunteers, fans, athletic administrators, media, and industry professionals at any level on involvement are welcome to join and contribute. If you are applying for an Ally Membership and are also a woman ski coach or leader, your Coach Membership will be included at this level.    Give back to your sport and be a part of this incredible grass roots movement to support women coaches at the highest level! 


If you prefer to pay via cash or check, use code “check” at checkout. Your cart will have zero balance, and you may send cash or check payable to Women Ski Coaches, 9 E Mankato St, Duluth, MN 55803. We also accept Venmo. Use code “venmo” and direct your membership payment to @womenskicoaches.

Gift membership

Purchase a Coach or Ally Membership for someone else.  Provide payment, contact info and a message for a woman ski coach or leader that is special to you.  We will reach out to collect the rest of the info we need.